The International Geographical Union (IGU) Thematic Conference on: Islands in Relations: Conflicts, Sustainability, and Peace
Session 3-1a: Countering the Impacts of Climate Change, Insecurity and Outmigration in Asia-Pacific Islands (1)
April 6, 8:30-9:50
Organizer: Juha Uitto (GEF Independent Evaluation Office)
Chair: Juha Uitto (GEF Independent Evaluation Office)
Mikiyasu Nakayama (Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation Japan)
Evaluating Four Possible Climate Change Adaptation Alternatives for the Marshall Islands
Akiko Sakamoto (Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation Japan), Koichi Nishiya (Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation Japan), Guo Xuanjin (Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation Japan), Airi Sugimoto (Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation Japan), Waka Nagasaki (Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation Japan), and Kaito Doi (Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation Japan)
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives