研究成果”Facilitating the Smooth Migration of Inhabitants of Atoll Countries to Artificial Islands: Case of the Maldives”が学術誌に掲載されました 2024/05/30
研究成果”Enhancing Disaster Resilience for Sustainable Urban Development: Public–Private Partnerships in Japan”が学術誌に掲載されました 2024/04/25
2022年度委託研究”Exploring shifts in Japan’s foreign policy: Nomenclature and country emphases before and after the ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific'”報告書(概要版) 2024/04/03
研究成果”Family and Community Obligations Motivate People to Immigrate—A Case Study from the Republic of the Marshall Islands”が学術誌に掲載されました 2023/04/13
研究成果”Societal Context of Observed Differences in Perceptions Regarding Climate Change Impacts in the Maldives”が学術誌に掲載されました 2025/03/14
モルディブで国際セミナー”Sea Level Rise and Climate Change Adaptation The Case of Hulhumalé and Migration Policies”を開催しました 2025/03/12